The Maine Island Trail is a 375-mile water trail for small boaters extending from the New Hampshire border to Canada. America’s first recreational water trail, it connects over 200 wild islands and mainland sites open for day use or overnight camping. Site owners allow access to their properties trusting that MITA members and other users will be responsible stewards during their visits. There is no official route along the Trail, and most users choose to explore it gradually over time. Occasionally some adventurous folks do “through-paddle” the entire length of the coast!
The existence of the Trail is based on handshake agreements with public and private landowners who share a common commitment to coastal access and stewardship. Because of this, the Trail is constantly changing. Sites are frequently added and removed, usage guidelines are revised based on owner preferences, and stewardship strategies are adjusted to meet changing environmental conditions. To ensure that Trail sites remain well-cared-for and to fulfill our pledge of responsible use to site owners, it is important for all visitors to plan their trip using current information about the Trail.
Go to Maine Island Trail for more info